Sunday, October 25, 2009

How To Last Longer In Bed - The Natural Way

Author: Gary Bansir

If you have been researching about how to last longer in bed, you would have probably seen all the medication that people throw your way, these pills are "just what you need", or "could save your marriage!" But do you really want to be popping pills all your life?

So without the use of supplements or medication, is their a natural way that will teach you how to last longer in bed? The answer to that is YES! But first, here's a little bit of my story.

I was probably just like you are, when it came to sex I was an embarrassed wreck! If I did not destroy my chances by telling the girl that I had a problem, I sure did when we had sex.

I've seen many people say they only last 2 min's and have a problem, well what about just 2 thrusts! Yep that was me, it was awful, a complete embarrassment, and left me very depressed!

Researching online only came up with the same proven pill method, or tips on thinking about a math problem during intercourse. None of this worked for me, instead it just made it worse.

I knew there must be a way, a method that would not need medication or even mind games, there just had to be a reasonable way that would save this endless nightmare. I'm glad to say my research paid off!

Now happily married for nearly 9 years I thought it about time that I handed down some of the best techniques that made me last as long as I wanted, got me the girl of my dreams, and kept her happy!

How To Last Longer In Bed - The Techniques

Now I am by no means a Dr, so its always a great start to ask your Dr about these techniques first. If you are ready here are some awesome techniques that you can get started on right away.

How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 1: Exercise The Right Muscle

I'm not going to talk about what you think here, we will get to that later;)

Have you ever gone into a public restroom, or been at home and for whatever reason you needed to stop your urination mid flow? If so, this is the muscle we are going to work with.

If you have not had this happen to you, try to stop yourself urinating mid-flow next time you pee, once you do, notice the feeling of where the muscle is that stopped it, and continue to urinate.

Once you have this muscle and feeling down, all you need to do is exercise this muscle like you would a bicep. You no longer need to do this while you urinate all the time, I would advise against that, but you can do it while watching TV or walking outside, in fact anywhere you want. The best thing is, nobody has any idea!

Do this exercise about 2 sets of 10 reps at first, and then increase it as you get better.

How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 2: Practice While Masturbating

If you apply how to last longer in bed tip 1 you can practice this technique while you masturbate, try and last as long as you can, and if you feel the need to ejaculate try the muscle technique and note your progress.

With the confidence that the first technique gives you, you will notice after a while an increase of stamina, and in your confidence.

How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 3: Keep It Inside

Another tip to help you last longer in bed is to not thrust when you feel the ejaculation sensation, keep your penis deep inside and instead use your hips to massage your partners clitoris in a circular motion with your penis still deep inside.

This not only keeps the tip of your penis which has all the nerve endings away from being over stimulated, but because you are applying pressure with your body contact on her clitoris she is still at the height of ecstasy, even while you rest from the thrusting. Once the ejaculation sensation has gone away, thrust again smoothly.

How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 4: Turn To Foreplay

How to last longer in bed tip number 4 is a great little technique that Women love, if you find yourself getting close to ejaculation and nothing else seems to be working yet, pull out a go for foreplay again until you recover.

If you catch this right you can do this time after time, and most of the time the girl will love it. What other men love foreplay, hardly any right, they just want to have sex and be done. But you can mask your problems and look like the greatest lover on the planet, all at the same time.

How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 5: Work On Your Mind

I'm not going to tell you thinking about math while having sex will work, but your mind does play a role in lasting longer in bed. Once you apply the techniques above, over time and because you start to see results your mind changes and does not fill your head with nonsense about lasting only 2 min's!

You start to build confidence and things start to change for you! After a while you are so confident that you do not need to apply these techniques anymore. But if that inner voice starts to come back you now have some tools to deal with it again.

Not only have you learned techniques that will help you last longer in bed, but you have also learned some techniques to apply to your partner that will leave them amazed at you!

Always remember that its not just the sexual part that us guys always need to work on, the romance part always helps a great deal too.

About the Author:

For more tips like these, and to discover the exact method I use line by line visit How To Last Longer In Bed - The Ultimate Last Longer Program!

Article Source: - How To Last Longer In Bed - The Natural Way