Sunday, October 25, 2009

5 Techniques to Be Good in Bed - Give Her the Best Sex of Her Life Tonight!

Author: Mark Hamilton

Don't you just love it when a woman approaches you first, starts a conversation and would ask you to hook-up afterwards? How many Saturday nights have you spend your entire life where you can totally say you've had a blast? Have you been on that stage when you go sleeping around and being an absolute great lover? It's pure heaven, right? Well, if you're going to admit that you think it's just something that happens in dreams, then I have to say you've been living in misery for too long now my friend and it's time we get you started on how to be an absolute babe magnet and get to sleep with women at last! Below are the top five techniques to be good in bed and to finally give her the best sex of her life!

Always make it nice and slow. Even on having a conversation, it pays to savor each moment and enjoy every minute of it. Remember that women love men who are intellectually stimulating --- it's a definite turn on believe me. Don't rush from one topic to another, she may think you're just hitting on her --- even if you are, have flair in doing so. Sometimes, it's all about the style.

Never skip foreplay for anything. Now you've finally gotten her in bed (and I would assume you've kissed her passionately way earlier) it's time for one long torturous foreplay. Women usually would agree to have sex for the foreplay alone and they can peak on this process without you knowing it. Women love and take pleasure so much with foreplay that you shouldn't skip it no matter what. She will keep going and going, making you want more all night long.

Moan and groan as well. When she's having a great time and she moans with pleasure, it feels good too, right? Let her know you're having one passionate time too by moaning and groaning as well. Make her realize that turning her on turns you on as well. She will definitely feel more aggressive with you after that.

Go ahead and talk dirty. Talking dirty is a skill and don't worry much if it's still a little awkward at first. It takes practice --- for now, start saying it in a whisper or on a deeper tone. Make it husky if you can and don't make it too long. Keep it short and dirty --- she will be responding sooner that you expect it.

Don't stop yet. When you've both peaked (and if you think you can still handle it), cuddle her for a while and then go for round two --- that's correct. It's definitely a must. This is where you put "can't get enough of each other" to action and I'm telling you, she's going to be game for it.

    Are you still having trouble uncovering the secrets to make your woman orgasm? Do you want to know the art of seduction and have great sex all the time? Discover more tips and techniques on how to be sensual and arousing to women by visiting my website right now. It holds all amazing methods on how to do it all! You're one click away from all the excitement.

    About the Author:

    Steffi Hall is a seduction and attraction expert who teaches men how to attract and pick up beautiful women. As a former model who has been sought after by many men, Steffi has the experience in passing on the skill of attraction, since she was a target of many men herself. There is no better teacher then the target itself, learn from the source.

    Steffi Hall works in conjunction with Mark Taylor.

    It's time you get the kind of relationship you desire. Click here NOW to find out how you too can date hot girls!

    Article Source: - 5 Techniques to Be Good in Bed - Give Her the Best Sex of Her Life Tonight!

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    8 myths about condoms

    Author: Somebodycalladoctor

    Condom is one of the most used contraceptive for a long time. Condoms protecting from AIDS, provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases that are everywhere in the world on the rise. Of course, their main task is to prevent pregnancy. Today, there is a wide range of different products that should resolve this issue - pills, creams. etc. However, condoms still stands for the most reliable contraceptive product. Only condoms can provide protection against infection with more than 90 percent. Although aware of the advantages of condoms, many people do not use it anyway. Among other things, many don’t want to use them because they are cheapest contraception. These myths have arisen as a result of own or someone else's bad experiences, prejudices and inadequate advertising.

    Here you are 8 most common myths about condoms.

    1. It is a male contraception ,therefore, condoms should be bought by men.

    This is a fairly widespread opinion but completely unfounded. Studies have shown that ladies pays every third condom.

    2. Sex with a condom is the same as smelling flowers with a gas mask

    Modern Latex Condoms are extremely thin and does not reduce sexual pleasure. There are those with special texture, embossed ribbed surface that provides greater sensitivity. Many couples who want to have greater pleasure using them, as well as those in color and with different flavours.

    3. Using a Condom hurts

    Almost all condoms have silicone or water based lubricants, that exclude any pain during their use. Silicone coating is completely neutral, excellent lubricant and not expensive. Water based lubricants are more natural for men. There are also coatings with active additions – spermicide and anesthetic substances . Spermicide neutralize sperm and kill most harmful bacteria and viruses. Anesthetics prolong sexual act as reduce the sensitivity of nervous receptors in man. Actually , pain during sexual intercourse with condom indicates an infection or a sexually transmitted disease, and those people should visit a doctor.

    4. Sex without condom is healthier

    This myth comes from wrong assumption that during sexual relations partners share some substances, like hormones. What is really exchanged is bacteria, viruses and fungi, and it is far from healthy.

    5. Married couples doesn’t need condoms

    Wrong! You can be infected in the pool, gym, public transport or so and transfer infection to your partner .

    6. Using a condom is offensive for partner

    Believing in this myth, many are ashamed to use condom. Fortunately, the sexual culture is better these days. Using a condom is a reflection of concern for partner. Is it offensive?

    7. Using a condom is better with creams or intimate gels

    It is certainly not true. Various creams and gels in intimate contact with the sensitive genital area can cause itching, burning or allergic reaction. They can damage latex or lubricants on them.

    8. What is worth when condoms may break

    Modern condoms have a high degree of firmness and elasticity, which gives them great reliability. However, proper application is also important. Be careful and gently push the condom down in the package so that you can rip open the package without fear of tearing the condom. Place it on the tip of the penis shaft with the tip of the condom facing up and the rolled ring facing away for the penis. Gently squeeze the air from the tip of the condom as you gently roll the latex down the shaft of the penis. Unroll it all the way. If it does not unroll, it is on the wrong way and you must start over with a new condom.

    About the Author:

    Article Source: - 8 myths about condoms

    How To Last Longer In Bed - The Natural Way

    Author: Gary Bansir

    If you have been researching about how to last longer in bed, you would have probably seen all the medication that people throw your way, these pills are "just what you need", or "could save your marriage!" But do you really want to be popping pills all your life?

    So without the use of supplements or medication, is their a natural way that will teach you how to last longer in bed? The answer to that is YES! But first, here's a little bit of my story.

    I was probably just like you are, when it came to sex I was an embarrassed wreck! If I did not destroy my chances by telling the girl that I had a problem, I sure did when we had sex.

    I've seen many people say they only last 2 min's and have a problem, well what about just 2 thrusts! Yep that was me, it was awful, a complete embarrassment, and left me very depressed!

    Researching online only came up with the same proven pill method, or tips on thinking about a math problem during intercourse. None of this worked for me, instead it just made it worse.

    I knew there must be a way, a method that would not need medication or even mind games, there just had to be a reasonable way that would save this endless nightmare. I'm glad to say my research paid off!

    Now happily married for nearly 9 years I thought it about time that I handed down some of the best techniques that made me last as long as I wanted, got me the girl of my dreams, and kept her happy!

    How To Last Longer In Bed - The Techniques

    Now I am by no means a Dr, so its always a great start to ask your Dr about these techniques first. If you are ready here are some awesome techniques that you can get started on right away.

    How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 1: Exercise The Right Muscle

    I'm not going to talk about what you think here, we will get to that later;)

    Have you ever gone into a public restroom, or been at home and for whatever reason you needed to stop your urination mid flow? If so, this is the muscle we are going to work with.

    If you have not had this happen to you, try to stop yourself urinating mid-flow next time you pee, once you do, notice the feeling of where the muscle is that stopped it, and continue to urinate.

    Once you have this muscle and feeling down, all you need to do is exercise this muscle like you would a bicep. You no longer need to do this while you urinate all the time, I would advise against that, but you can do it while watching TV or walking outside, in fact anywhere you want. The best thing is, nobody has any idea!

    Do this exercise about 2 sets of 10 reps at first, and then increase it as you get better.

    How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 2: Practice While Masturbating

    If you apply how to last longer in bed tip 1 you can practice this technique while you masturbate, try and last as long as you can, and if you feel the need to ejaculate try the muscle technique and note your progress.

    With the confidence that the first technique gives you, you will notice after a while an increase of stamina, and in your confidence.

    How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 3: Keep It Inside

    Another tip to help you last longer in bed is to not thrust when you feel the ejaculation sensation, keep your penis deep inside and instead use your hips to massage your partners clitoris in a circular motion with your penis still deep inside.

    This not only keeps the tip of your penis which has all the nerve endings away from being over stimulated, but because you are applying pressure with your body contact on her clitoris she is still at the height of ecstasy, even while you rest from the thrusting. Once the ejaculation sensation has gone away, thrust again smoothly.

    How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 4: Turn To Foreplay

    How to last longer in bed tip number 4 is a great little technique that Women love, if you find yourself getting close to ejaculation and nothing else seems to be working yet, pull out a go for foreplay again until you recover.

    If you catch this right you can do this time after time, and most of the time the girl will love it. What other men love foreplay, hardly any right, they just want to have sex and be done. But you can mask your problems and look like the greatest lover on the planet, all at the same time.

    How To Last Longer In Bed Tip 5: Work On Your Mind

    I'm not going to tell you thinking about math while having sex will work, but your mind does play a role in lasting longer in bed. Once you apply the techniques above, over time and because you start to see results your mind changes and does not fill your head with nonsense about lasting only 2 min's!

    You start to build confidence and things start to change for you! After a while you are so confident that you do not need to apply these techniques anymore. But if that inner voice starts to come back you now have some tools to deal with it again.

    Not only have you learned techniques that will help you last longer in bed, but you have also learned some techniques to apply to your partner that will leave them amazed at you!

    Always remember that its not just the sexual part that us guys always need to work on, the romance part always helps a great deal too.

    About the Author:

    For more tips like these, and to discover the exact method I use line by line visit How To Last Longer In Bed - The Ultimate Last Longer Program!

    Article Source: - How To Last Longer In Bed - The Natural Way

    How to Make HER Lust For YOU- Attract and Arouse a Woman

    Author: Chris Tyler

    Knowing how to make a woman LUST for YOU is the key to being able to go beyond the friends zone and get into the sex zone with a woman. Most men have a hard time doing this and as a result, they end up being that guy friend that does her a lot of favors.

    How can you get her to do favors for YOU?

    Let's be real for a minute. The reason why you are reading this article is because you don't want women to see you as just a "nice" guy. You want them to get horny when they think about YOU.

    You don't want to give her a ride to the mall, you want HER to RIDE YOU in the bedroom. So, you have to stop trying to be so nice and start being a little more REAL with a woman. If the only attitude you ever have around her is that of a "nice" guy, she is only going to think of you that way.

    And that is not exactly going to make her drip with desire when she thinks of YOU.

    You have to project an aura of sexuality with a woman. You have to stop playing it safe and start doing the things that will make her think of you in a way that creates passion and lust within her.

    You have to make her think of you as a man that she wants to be intimate with, a man that is going to SATISFY her and that is going to make her legs shake and wobble. You can't exactly do that when you are holding her purse as you shop through the mall.

    Want to know how to make a woman lust for YOU?

    Get Your FREE Report that Details the 7 Most Important Concepts You Have to Know to Attract and Seduce Women.

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    Copyright © 2009 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved. You can re-publish this article ONLY if you keep the entire article and resource box intact with the Author name as well.

    You may NOT use this article as your own or submit it to any other article directory, In plain English, this is not your article.

    All links in article and resource box MUST be kept active and usable.

    About the Author:

    Copyright © 2009

    **You can publish this article ONLY if you keep it intact and ALL links active**

    Article Source: - How to Make HER Lust For YOU- Attract and Arouse a Woman